17 February 2012

Watercolor Wannabe

I've been so inspired by beautiful watercolor paintings lately, I have a hankering to try it out myself. Let me show you what I've been ooogling over...

Aren't these so beautiful? I love the simplicity of them, but then you really get lost in the pieces with all the different shades and watermarks. I would love either of these prints sitting right next to me at my desk while I work. That deer is such a dear! (sorry, couldn't resist...)
(via Tara Neal)

I think watercolor sort of has a feminine reputation. But wouldn't these planes be darling in a little boy's room? Or even a big boy's room! I usually think of watercolor as organic, but I love the preciseness of the lines. They're crisp and so playful.

And this next artist I am just smitten with. Her name is Caitlin McGauley and I only discovered her about a week ago...I think I found her on Pinterest. Here were some of my favorites:

Isn't she so cool?  She keeps this blog too where she posts updates with watercolor sketches. I just think that's the bomb. I wish she could be my friend and teacher!

And finally, I thought it was appropriate for my current watercolor obsession that Oh So Beautiful Paper would feature a step by step post on how to DIY watercolor wedding invitations. They are gorgeous. All you brides to be should check it out! Can I get married again?

I love the palette they chose: coral, toffee and lavender gray. I must remember that. And they even give instructions on how to paint the little flowers successfully. Totes up my alley!

So as I rolled into bed last night and snuggled up to hubby, I whispered to him my dreams of becoming a beautiful watercolor artist!  I told him I want to sign up for a class, or at least get a book at the library :) He said that maybe we could go to the store to get me some paints and I could give it a whirl! I know it's not easy, but I'd really like to try! And if it doesn't work out, at least there are so many talented artists for me to admire out there :)

All that to say, I'm really hoping some of these are in my near future...

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