Is it okay that I already know what I want for my birthday? I mean, it is technically February. And so my birthday is technically next month. This week I found an awesome DIY project on one of my very favorite blogs, Little Green Notebook. Jenny's really outdone herself this time. And she's got me drooling over this:
{ahhhhhhhhh} She made this amazing tufted headboard and gives fabulous step by step instructions on how to do it yourself here. Normally, Paul gets a little squirmy when I start painting elaborate descriptions of amazing DIY projects I plan to take on. I think he gets visions of pricey trips to Hobby Lobby, messy living rooms, and unfinished projects dancing in his head. So I knew he'd be skeptical of my latest inspiration. But I gathered up some courage, and announced "I know what I want for my birthday!" hoping it would be better received than the usual. I explained that I wanted to do this DIY project, that I would need a new staple gun and a few supplies, and I told him I want to do it together. Because you know what? I really think there's a DIY studmuffin hiding inside my man. Just waiting for me to awaken him! And this March 8th, that's exactly what I intend to do. Look out world, the Schmitts are DIYing.
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