08 October 2011

Make A House A Home

The other day we had our friends, Stef and Dan, over for chili. We had a great time and I took advantage of the fact that I had another female in the house who was interested in decorating :) Paul likes when things look nice in our home - but he's not always very enthusiastic about the process of getting there. So it was fun to have Stef over to bounce ideas off of (and fun for Paul to have someone to watch football with!). Especially since I've been loathing this wall:


Not only do we hide all of our "overflow" of stuff behind the couch, but the wall is completely blank and white. Sheesh! I had purchased some frames at a local resale shop last week in hopes of putting together a collage to spice things up. So we set up our layout on the floor and put the boys to work (during a break of course). Here's my handsome guy helping me out :)


and say hi to the Cinadrs! Thanks for your help friends!


And finally it ended like this:


I'm liking the color it adds to the room. I have realized recently that I have been living in total fear of color (did you see my wedding color?! champaign... and my room makeover?! gray and white...). So I've been pushing myself to incorporate colors our new home and I'm loving the challenge!


  1. Well done Bunny. Can't wait to see it in person!

  2. I love that we made an appearance on your blog! And I love the before picture with the pots lol :)

  3. It's been awhile since I looked at your blog, so I was pleasantly surprised to see your updates! I think one reason I love your blog so much is I love the colors/designs/decorating...scheme you post. So beautiful!
