09 March 2012

Birthday Date

Last night Paul took me out for my birthday date! We had such a fun evening starting with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (a sort of birthday tradition for me hailing back to the days of my NBA bible study girls). Then, per my request, we went to Sprinkles for cupcakes! I had never been to one of these trendy cupcake shops before and have always wanted to give it a whirl. We chose Red Velvet and Coconut and were not disappointed. And finally, Paul took me to the craft store and let me pick out any art supplies I wanted! I got some watercolor paper to try my new paints from Kirstie on, a couple more brushes, and some ink for my calligraphy pens!  All in all it was such a sweet evening. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for birthday dates! It sounds like Paul did an excellent job! Miss you Bunny!
