08 February 2012

Made By Bees

Around our house, we're totally into honey. I got Paul a little pot of local honey as a stocking stuffer for Christmas, and he is now a self-proclaimed honey snob.

I originally got him the honey because I heard that eating local honey can reduce your allergy symptoms, but since reading about it, I've learned that raw honey provides so many more benefits as well! Vitamins, minerals, energy, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammotory properties, are just the short list of all the benefits of raw honey. You can read more here.

You have to be careful though, because there is a difference between "Pure" honey and "Raw" honey. Raw is the good stuff. And if you want it to address your allergy symptoms, it has to be local to where you live.

We especially love to eat it in our oatmeal or peanut butter & honey sandwich, but I think it's a great option for a sugar substitute so I'm hoping to integrate it even more into my diet. We purchased the above jar at our local farmers market, and had a good time tasting all the different types. The Desert Wildflower was our favorite :)

As Paul and I have been building our life together these past (almost!) 6 months, I've been thinking more and more about how I want us to live – and a lot of that has to do with what we eat! I really believe that habits we establish now, can carry on for years to come and directly affect our future family. And I really want us to be a healthy family! I have a lot to learn, I know. But I'm really wanting to put forth an effort to educate myself and my husband so that we can make the best decisions about what we put into our bodies. Because I think that it glorifies God when we take care of these bodies He created for us, and it prepares us to do the good works He has set before us. And I'm praying that He'll continue to convict my heart of this truth, and give me the wisdom, resources and ability to make good nutritious choices for me and my family!

I have found some blogs with great healthy tips, (like Summer Harms and Keeper of the Home) but I'm wondering if anyone else out there has any other great resources they love to reference for healthy living?


  1. Hipster alert.


    1. Totes. I mean, who are these people raising Colin?

  2. Clean eating. I agree! Small steps in 2012.

  3. i totally agree! I'm doing this cleanse from gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and basically anything else fun in life right now. it's crazy how much food effects our everyday! and honey is def a fave. only the local stuff! love your blog and your new adventure mar! :)

  4. ps: there are some awesome recipes on whole foods and trader joe's website ;) i especially love the quinoa at trader joes!

  5. We're fans of the ol' bee nectar too...although you have convinced me on the raw and local front. Have you tried honey in your coffee? Delish.
